Category: Uncategorized

The Benefits of Intergenerational Play.

   Intergenerational play is transforming playgrounds into dynamic, inclusive environments, where kids, parents, and grandparents can connect and create lasting memories together. At PDPlay, we believe playgrounds should be »

Military Base Child Development Centers

PDPlay has provided natural playgrounds and outdoor learning environments to military child development centers all over the U.S. Child Development Centers (CDCs) are on-post facilities that offer full-time, part-time and »

Keeping Your Playground Clean

Your playground, if not properly sanitized, can become a hazard to public health and safety.  To keep your playground safe for children and the community, a routine cleaning schedule »

Take Your Parents to the Playground Day

PDPlay’s National Day For Children Back in 2009, PDPlay established a national day for children to get outdoors and take their parents to their workplace–the playground!  Falling annually on »

Natural Playgrounds. What does it cost?

Throughout the years, we’ve designed and built numerous natural and commercial playgrounds for schools, community centers, daycares, and more, and as with most purchases, one of the first questions »


The Developmental Benefits of Sand & Water Play

As children splish and splash water or scoop and dump sand, they are unknowingly learning while having fun. The self-directed play offered at sand or water tables, helps children »