The Benefits of Intergenerational Play.

   Intergenerational play is transforming playgrounds into dynamic, inclusive environments, where kids, parents, and grandparents can connect and create lasting memories together. At PDPlay, we believe playgrounds should be more than just a place for children to run and climb. They should be vibrant, inclusive spaces where kids, parents, grandparents, everyone can connect and create lasting memories together. Intergenerational play is not only a delightful experience but also offers numerous benefits for individuals and communities. Here, we explore the significance of intergenerational play and how it enriches our lives.

  • Strengthening Family Bonds
    Intergenerational play fosters strong family ties by providing opportunities for shared activities and interactions. When children, parents, and grandparents engage in play together, it creates a deeper emotional connection. According to AARP, these shared experiences can reduce feelings of isolation in older adults and strengthen the sense of belonging in children and adolescents. Through play, family members of all ages can bond, communicate, and understand each other better.
  • Promoting Physical Health
    Physical activity is crucial for maintaining health at any age. For children, it supports the development of motor skills and overall fitness. For older adults, staying active can prevent chronic illnesses and improve mobility. A study by the National Institute on Aging highlights the importance of regular physical activity in reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis in seniors. Intergenerational playgrounds, equipped with features like walking paths, exercise stations, and interactive play structures, encourage all age groups to stay active and healthy.
  • Enhancing Cognitive Abilities
    Engaging in play that challenges the mind benefits both children and adults. Cognitive activities such as puzzles, memory games, and strategic play stimulate brain function and promote mental agility. The American Psychological Association notes that such activities can enhance problem-solving skills in children and help maintain cognitive functions in older adults. Playgrounds that incorporate these elements create a dynamic environment where learning and fun go hand in hand.
  • Boosting Emotional Well-being
    Play is a natural way to relieve stress and improve mood. For children, playtime provides a break from academic pressures, while for adults, it offers a respite from daily stressors. Harvard Health Publishing emphasizes the role of play in enhancing emotional well-being, noting that engaging in playful activities can reduce anxiety and depression. Intergenerational play spaces foster joy and laughter, contributing to the overall happiness of all participants.

Intergenerational play is about more than just fun; it’s about building connections, promoting health, and enhancing the well-being of entire communities. By embracing the concept of intergenerational play, we can create inclusive, vibrant, and healthy environments that benefit us all.

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw


1. AARP. (2021). The Benefits of Intergenerational Play. Retrieved from AARP website.
2. National Institute on Aging. (2020). Exercise and Physical Activity: Your Everyday Guide from the National Institute on Aging. Retrieved from NIA website.
3. American Psychological Association. (2020). Play and Cognitive Development. Retrieved from APA website.
4. Harvard Health Publishing. (2019). The Importance of Play for Adults. Retrieved from Harvard Health website.
5. Copenhagen Playgrounds. (2023). Generation Garden: A Case Study. Retrieved from Copenhagen Playgrounds website.
6. Vancouver Parks Board. (2022). Intergenerational Play Space Initiative. Retrieved from Vancouver Parks Board website