Playground Signs and Labels

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Playground Signs and Labels

Playground signs and labels provide important information to adults to help keep children safe.  Some signs inform users of important guidelines, others warn of hazardous areas where there may be increased potential for injury. There also signs intended to educate users on rules and regulations. In order to be most effective, signs should be placed at the entrance to the play areas or on the equipment in a clear and visible location. In areas where there is more than one predominant language, multi-language signs can be very effective.

Informative signs may include appropriate age of use, the manufacturer’s identification and a recommendation of supervision. When respected, signs listing the appropriate age of use are particularly helpful in avoiding playground accidents. Inappropriate age use has been identified as one of the leading causes of playground injuries.

Warning signs may advise to remove loose clothing, hoods, and drawstrings to prevent entanglement, warn users of hot play surfaces and advise caution around hard surfaces like concrete and asphalt to prevent injury.

Educational signs like rules and general information inform users of open-close times, whether pets are allowed and management contact and/or emergency numbers. These signs are recommended in public parks and playgrounds where children are often unsupervised.

In many circumstances, proper signage is key to preventing playground misuse and injury. These signs and labels should be durable, brief and to the point. If a sign should become vandalized or is no longer legible, it is the responsibility of the owner/operator’s to replace it.

Consult a Certified Playground Safety Inspector or equipment manufacturer for more information on playground signs and labels.


ASTM F1487-11, Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use
CPSC Guidelines #325 (2010 version) requirements & recommendations.