Category: Uncategorized

Incorporating STEM on the Playground

Incorporating STEM on the Playground STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.  STEM education is »

Benefits of Natural Playgrounds

Benefits of Natural Playgrounds Play is a hugely significant part of any child’s development, and creating safe, interactive, and stimulating environments for children to play in is so important. »

Poured-in-Place Turtle – Infant Playgrounds

PIP Turtle for Infant Playgrounds You already know that PDPlay manufactures and installs state of the art rubber poured-in-place rubberized surfacing, but did you also know we can create »

Building Playgrounds with Toothpaste Tubes

What makes a recycled playground? You already know that PDPlay builds playgrounds from recycled milk jugs, but did you also know that we can build them from recycled toothpaste »